
How wonderful to be considered as a whole person with all its intricate parts. I started my Bridgeham journey with Nutrition and Acupuncture and went from Chronic Fatigue to having energy and even started running. Next the Osteopath's, and remedial massage team had my back pain reducing so I could commit to regular Pilates first through a 1:1 and then as as a group. I feel taller and am able to be more active. I can't believe it took me so long to find such a holistic practice. And not to forget the friendly reception staff who never fail to make me feel welcome. Thank you to all the staff who have supported me on my journey to Wellbeing :)

Ms. E

I just wanted to say a very big thank you for making me feel so welcome and for the kindness and care I was shown today. I thought my current treatment of pain killers, 3 weekly physio and optional walking stick was my lot. How wrong I was! Today, following a face-to-face consultation with Eva my osteopath and Selena my acupuncturist, a thorough history was taken, I had a comprehensive examination, the findings explained, and treatment given. I feel like a new person. Yes, it's going to take time and more treatment, but to be mobile again and enjoy life without pain is going to be achievable. How I wish I'd known about Bridgeham earlier. It would have saved a lot of tears.

Ms. S

I've found that the path from Broken to Brilliant continues to Beyond with Emma. I have various joint issues which Emma accommodates in her 1:1 sessions, using her vast knowledge of anatomy: she's not 'just' a yoga teacher by any stretch (pun intended)! As a result, I've become stronger, more flexible, and confident in my body's capabilities. Some yoga movements are similar to what we do in Bridgeham classes and the familiarity is reassuring. I'm enjoying easing past self-perceived limits with Emma's patience and guidance, employing what I've learned about alignment from Pilates.

Mrs. L

“OMG… I feel amazing!! Are you sure it was just B12? so much energy and jumped out of bed this am!“

Ms. C