May 2020 Newsletter

And the survey said...

We had an incredible response to our Online Services Survey,thank you so much to everyone that took part!

Now, in a Family Fortunes ‘the survey said’ kind of way, we thought we would share some of the results with you 😉

On the whole, it sounds like our amazing Bridgeham family is holding up well during this surreal time but bodies and emotions are understandably starting to feel the strain.

It'll probably then come as no surprise that when this is all a distant memory, being able to see family and friends and freely offer hugs is what the large majority of you are looking forward to! We think this comment sums it up perfectly!

"Rather than going back to how things were, I would like to go forward, with an enhanced appreciation for the little things in life, but I will look forward to seeing and hugging my family and friends"

Team Update

We're very sorry to announce that due to health reasons,Selena our acupuncturist, will not be returning to Bridgeham after lockdown finishes.

We know how many of you benefit from acupuncture and we'recurrently speaking with someone who may be able to continue this service for us.

Sharron has also decided to focus on other projects in her busy work life and therefore the Thursday 1pm Pilates class will no longer be available. Hopefully, we'll still get to see her though if she can help with any class cover.

We're sure you'll all join us in wishing them both well for the future!

How we can help if you're in pain

Despite social distancing, our survey results showed many of you are still getting regular visits from Mr Ache and Mrs Pain!

Here are all the ways we can support you during this time:

1. Online video consultation with one of our osteopaths

2. An appointment to be seen in the clinic*

3. Online Pilates classes via Zoom (Class passes can still be purchased and used just like in the studio!)

4. Online rehab workshops via Zoom (For just the cost of a follow up appointment with one our associate osteopaths (£50) you can purchase a 5 ‘workshop pack’ which you can use to book onto any workshop, or alternatively you can do a drop in for just £15. Both represent great value fora unique online learning experience with our incredible team of practitioners!)

5. Weekly Free 'Wishing You Well Wednesday' online coffee morning via Zoom - simply click this link at 11am every Wednesday and enter the password 'Wellbeing' to join in the fun!

6. Monthly 'De-clutter your Mind' meditation sessions with Sue, starting on Wednesday 6th May

7. 30-minute online nutrition appointments with Birgitta - these are ideal if you're feeling inspired during this time to improve your diet & would like some guidance on how to do it

8. Bridgeham Hours - if you're unsure about which one of our services would be best for you right now, why not Zoom over to one of our Bridgeham Hours? Join Gordon every Monday and Becky every Thursday in May between 4-5pm to ask your questions!

For further information about any of our services please call Hayley on 01293 542245 08.30-12.30 Monday to Friday or book online/via the app.

* during a triage call, your osteopath will check that you meet our stringent criteria for being seen in clinic

Do you need help getting started with Zoom?

If you would like to try an online Pilates class or rehab workshop but the thought of Zooming sends you into orbit, we have created a handy playlist over on our YouTube channel called 'How to Zoom' which has a great selection of videos to help you get started!

We've also come up with 5 top tips for using Zoom!  

1. Find a space in your home that enables you to move around as much as possible as you may need to move closer or further away from your camera for the instructor to see you and cue any adjustments

2. Lighting – with all this glorious sunshine we’ve been having (shock horror!) it may be best to close any curtains/blinds in the room you’re using. We have also found switching on lights can be helpful too

3. Clothing – if possible try and wear contrasting colours to your home décor! This may sound bonkers, but Stacey almost disappeared into her walls in a trial class because her top almost matched in colour!

4. Location of your camera – we have found depending on the space you have, that you may need to move your device depending on which movements we are doing, unfortunately, this will be a bit of trial and error initially but the trial participants quickly found which placement worked best

5.      Equipment – if you have any Pilates equipment at home, please have it to hand along with a chair

For anyone who needs to add bands, balls or foam rollers to their Pilates instruments of torture, please let us know what you require and we can advise you about our pay and collect service when the clinic is open.

Oh, and don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled over on social media channels as during May we’ll be posting about:

• National Walking Month

• Bike Month

• Golf Month

• Pilates Day

• World Asthma Day

• Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

• Mental Health Awareness Week

• World Meditation Day

• Senior Health & Fitness Day

The winner is....

Or should that be and the WINNERS are....

Everyone who completed our recent survey was entered into a prize draw to win £100 of Bridgeham vouchers!

Drum roll please....

and the winner is.....

Victoria Welch

And huge congratulations to this months' testimonial winner, Ms. B!

Here is what she said about her Bridgeham experience:

"I have been a customer of Bridgeham Clinic for over 10 years and am addicted! I originally went to see Jo as a total novice for one-to-one Pilates sessions to tone my body and help with lower back pain.

Since then, I have also received osteopathic treatment from Trevor (prepare yourself for bad jokes!), sports massage from Steve and have been having bi-monthly Pilates, as well as my weekly studio Pilates circuit sessions with Jo. Pilates has helped me through pregnancy, an Anterior Cruciate Ligament operation, a very painful ankle injury and generally eases the stress of being a busy working mother.

I generally float out of the clinic after each session &am now far more aware of my body & how it all connects together.

My two sons, husband, step-son and mother have all used the clinic and I would heartily recommend any of the practioners. The Reception team are always so welcoming & efficient. Thank you Jo and Trevor for really making a big difference to my busy life!"

If you haven't already given us a testimonial then why not write one on Google, Facebook, or by email . You too could then be in with a chance to win a £50 treatment voucher!

See you online soon…you’ve got to be in it to win it!

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