Fit for Summer

With summer fast approaching many of you will be thinking about lifestyle changes in order to get fit and healthy and swimsuit ready! Why not include Bridgeham in your journey to do so?If you haven’t yet started your fitness plan you could start preparing now with one of our Functional Movement Screens which will highlight any areas of potential physical weakness during movement. This will then give you a set of goals to work on when you do start your plan. Our Pilates team can also help with this by strengthening those areas and developing your core, getting you ready to tackle your exercises and activities without worry of injury.If you are not sure where to start with your health kick, give our Health Check a try to start you off. Not only does this give you an immediate and accurate record of your current health state including blood sugar and cholesterol levels, it will allow you to see what needs work and so help you to form some goals.Unfortunately many of us are in sedentary and jobs and cannot fit in regular exercise into our busy daily routines. However when summer approaches we tend to suddenly ramp up the activity and exercise by going to the gym multiple times a week, taking up running every day or taking part in various exercise classes. Although increasing your activity levels is great, our bodies cannot always cope with this sudden change as well as we would like them to! If you find that you are getting aches and pains after taking up a new exercise or little niggles that are preventing you from your regular activity, why not book in with one of our osteopaths or massage therapists and get it sorted so you can reach your fitness goal!We also have a great nutritionist who can help you to make healthy changes in your diet that are sustainable and are tailored to fit in with your lifestyle. Or if you fancy starting your plan from fresh why not try a detox plan? Carefully designed to give you all the nutrition you need and flush out the toxins giving you a new start to the summer!

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