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World Pilates Day

It is World Pilates Day on the 6th May and we are celebrating all that Pilates can do for you and your body! Pilates was developed in the early 20th century by German-born Joseph Pilates whose father was a prize-winning gymnast and mother a naturopath. During the latter part of the War, Joseph served as an orderly in a hospital on the Isle of Man where he worked with patients unable to walk. He would attach the bed springs to the hospital beds to help support the patients' limbs, leading to the development of his famous piece of equipment known as the 'Cadillac' or ‘reformer’. Much of his equipment, although slightly adapted, is still in use today in many Pilates Studios. Joseph and his wife moved to the USA where his exercise techniques, named Contrology at the time, soon became very popular, especially amongst the dancing community.

He began working with celebrities, many being actors and dancers and his original cliental was 60% men. After Joseph passed in 1967 the exercise techniques became known as the Pilates Method. Due to the publicity and effectiveness of Pilates exercises through the years it has continued to be a huge success to this day. At Bridgeham we use a combination of mat and machine Pilates in order to get the best from your body. We believe Pilates is not only beneficial for general postural strength and improvement but is also great for easing movement discomforts, rehabilitating from surgery, easing pregnancy discomforts and recovering from injury. Why not join us at Bridgeham for some Pilates and get your body to the best it can be.

Find all our information including schedules and fees on our website. We are currently offering first class FREE on all our mat classes so give us a call to get yourself booked in or book through our website or app!  “In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference, in 30 sessions you will have a new body!” – Joseph Pilates


What is the difference between Rehab Machine Pilates and Reformer Pilates?


If you have pain then you need to do Rehab Pilates – usually recommended by a therapist.  You need to book a one hour 1:1 with any Pilates instructor.  A free 30-min intro to Rehab Pilates can be booked with any instructor.


Rehab Pilates uses a variety of Pilates machines as well, as foam rollers, gym balls, fitness circles and spikey balls. The machines assist and re-educate movement patterns, taking you from broken to brilliant.


If you want to get fit and are not in pain you need to do the Reformer Pilates with Katy, Lois or Shireen for £135.  This is a pack of 5 x 30-minute Pilates using the reformer in either the upstairs or downstairs studio.  Every patient needs to complete this course initially before selecting their next pack.  The Intro will cover health and safety aspects of using a reformer and progress you through a variety of exercises designed to improve your movement patterns and strength as well as helping with toning.


Fitness Pilates is about exploring pain free movement to enhance strength, flexibility and core control mastery towards the pinnacle of your broken to brilliant journey.  The reformer allows you to move through Pilates repertoires designed specifically to achieve your pain free movement goals.  Prepare to be challenged!


We offer Solo, Duo or Trio 30-minture Reformer Pilates in 5 or 10-packs.  Those wishing to do a Duo or Trio pack will need to bring their own friends!


Do we offer Reformer classes?


We can offer Trio Reformer Pilates in the upstairs studio for groups of three friends/colleagues as a 5-pack or 10-pack. Each person needs to initially complete a 4-week Intro to Pilates.


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