Becky Wells

Bio & Qualifications
I worked in the fitness industry for many years and specialised in treating people referred by GPs and others with exercise including cardiac rehabilitation. I became fascinated by the large number of referrals that seemed to have psychological origins
and decided to train as a Hypnotherapist. I have practices in Sussex and also worldwide via Skype.
My personal interests include being outside with my dogs, walking with friends and travelling. I write for various publications in my spare time, The Huffington Post and various others. I am actively involved with various charity fundraising events including Pay it Forward UK.
Describe yourself
I consider myself quite like a “Miss Marple” when a client comes in to see me. I try to help them understand the facts and make long term positive changes. I love bringing the science facts together within the therapy world and am currently applying to study a BSc in Health Science to enhance my knowledge further.
Whether it’s learning to take away anxiety for public speaking, gaining interview confidence, or taking that next step in your business or lifestyle goals come and see me to make that change.
Treatments you provide
Kinetic Shift Practitioner and Trainer
Mindscaping Practitioner
OldPain2Go Practitioner
Mindfulness Instructor
Areas of special interest
Confidence and anxiety.
Empowering others to take that next step in their journey. Whether it’s to learning to take away anxiety for public speaking or gain interview confidence, or the confidence to take that next step in your business or lifestyle goals.
Goals for your patients
• Help them achieve personal goals – confidence, enhanced concentration, positivity
• Help break unwanted habits – nail biting, smoking, skin picking
• Improve your health and wellbeing – pain management, stress relief
• To help reduce anxiety and phobias – fear of flying, social anxieties, generalised worry
• Performance – improvement in sport, delivering a presentation
• Increased confidence – self-esteem issues, creativity
• Take Control – anger management or jealousy issues